Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Power of Focus - Say NO To Toxic People

Strategy number five from our series on The Power of Focus is "Saying No To Toxic People". You just have to get rid of the doom and gloomers that may be in your life. If the people around aren't helping achieve success then they are working against your efforts to achieve success. This could dampen your success motivation and slow you down if you aren't careful and discerning.

Yep. You know them. Those people that constantly complain how their lives are mess and that life just doesn't give them a break. Toxic people of those chronic whiners and complainers about all that is wrong around them and YOU. Toxic people will bring you down!

Do you know someone, anyone whose not so subtle cynicism takes everyone opportunity it has to rain your parade. You may be trying to celebrate the achievement of one of your success motivation goals or perhaps a positive thinking victory yet this person cannot celebrate or saying anything positive about your changes.

Toxic people are very dangerous and you need to evict them from your life if you have them. Even if you have that friend that you've know almost "forever" yet this friend is just a bundle of negativity. You may love them but in the end they may need to go. This is very, very important. You are not and should not be obligated to shoulder someone else's negative view of the world. You cannot allow yourself to carry the burden of someone else's unhappiness. 

There are surely people struggling with life and in need of helping hand and unconditional support. I'm not talking about that type of person. Toxic people have a unhealthy sense of satisfaction in seeing others pulled down to where they are living and how they are thinking.

Birds of a feather DO flock together and who you build relationships with DOES matter. You owe it to yourself to evaluate the quality of every relationship you have in your life.

Ask these three questions about the people in your life:
• Do I like them?
• Do I trust them?
• Do I respect them?

If you answer to any of these questions about someone is no, then they've got to go. Team works makes the dream work. You will not and cannot succeed alone. You need to strategically build a strong team of positive thinking individuals that will lift up your dream, support your efforts and encourage your gifts and talents. Success motivation requires that you continually feed your need to succeed. Your relationships play a big part in how you build and maintain your momentum for success and motivation.

Toxic people will only take from you and leave you as an empty shell. The are happiest when they can complain and dump their poison into your life in hopes that you will join. At a minimum that cannot support your efforts for change and success and their natural inclination is to convince you that it isn't worth the effort. See, any progress you make for positive thinking, positive change and success motivation will only highlight their lack of commitment to change and succeed for themselves.

You must demonstrate courage and self-determination by resolving to remove from your life all toxic relationships. You do yourself and disservice by trying to play life too small. Never hide or be discouraged from letting your light shine brightly because it may make someone else feel uncomfortable! If someone feels uncomfortable by your success then that is NOT your problem at all.

A surefire key to accelerated your change and create success in your life is to find mentors and also to build a success team around you that will respect your time, your mind and you all that you desire to do for personal success. You must only submit your dreams and goals to those who's minds and advice you trust. You need people who are certain to have your best interests at heart in all they say and do. You need a group of people that you can also give into as well. You need health two-way team building, dream building communication that encourages you to put for you best each day, to keep reaching for the dream and to always imagine the possibilities!

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